"Love is the only thing that is
immortal..."You had been waiting him the whole life. And he waited for you every minute of his empty and inutile life. And here it happened. Everything had changed, and became different. It became brighter, more beautiful. You'd got the wings. He flied with happiness. You were afraid to believe that the Destiny had reduced you. Were afraid that it would come to an end. Were afraid that that was a dream.
You couldn't understand, for what he was given to you - gentle, tender, attentive, gentle, concerning to you as to the queen so that you also began to love yourself much more. Began to believe at last that the happiness existed, even in that mad-mad world...
He couldn't believe that You had entered into his life - beautiful, clever, gentle, well-bread, simply the Most. Unique. Could it be possible for such to remain?? And if yes, really with him? He looked at your eyes, deep dark eyes, and was afraid to believe. And you more than ever understood what he felt during that moment, and knew that he felt what you did...
Everything began too well, and went on too well. It was improbably good to spend time together. Any barriers as it usually happens. Any dirty past, any intrigues. It seemed, it was the Destiny gift that the man and the woman created for each other, had met eventually.
You started to dream of a family, children. Earlier those dreams had no relation to a reality, and then you saw in thoughts your house - cozy, warm, with sonorous children's voices, the house where lived and would always live happiness. Where would be no treachery and betrayal. Where you would live for his sake, and he would carry you on hands. Sometimes in dreems you even saw your old age - that one as at those old people who sat together, having embraced on the bench, and looking how tender he looked at her wrinkled face with enamoured eyes, you began to cry. To cry, because there she was alone, and around there was a chaos, divorces, quarrels, hysterics, and any hope of happiness.

You have started to exhaust yourself. Why he hadn't called? That means, something had happened. Or that is worse than that, he spent time with someone else. Certainly, could be there in today's world something eternal? Sometimes you promised to herself not to take the call, or to pretend to be ill, or to tell that was going to leave... And perhaps, go to the center club, and to forget everithing for one evening. And then he called, and she couldn't execute something from the promised. His voice was as the oxygen. She couldn't breathe without it. Couldn't have fun without it. And as always, having heard a heap of tender words, told with his voice, she felt asleep happy, being sured in his love.
He didn't think of it. You were too proud once to state your emotions, understanding that it was silly. If he would know, how strongly and frequently you had exhausted yourself, he would burst out laughing, having told, how silly you were that except you there were no women in the world for him that he would never intentionally cause you to be hurt. But you were silent. Were silent about the feelings, dreaming about him to speake about them first and for ever. But he was afraid. Was afraid of your reaction. Was afraid that you would refuse. Was afraid that he was mistaken.
In the thoughts you said millions of words to him. You imagined how you would stated all feelings if he was near. In conversations with him you were silent. You were independent, proud, laconic. Without understanding that he was not the person of emotions. Without understanding that he was silent, but it didn't mean that he didn't love. That he loved you more than life, but was ready to prove it with acts, instead of verses and phrases. You were ready to sing, shout about love to the whole world. He wanted to throw silently the whole world to your feet so that only you would see it.
Pride... Your pride always was your trump card and your trouble. You never could "give up" the first. Couldn't approach to apologize, recognize the error. Couldn't see defeats. It was easier to you to swallow a pain and tears, than to admit it aloud. You couldn't ask him why he had never made a declaration of love if his feelings are outside, and she felt it?! And with pride kept her feeling close to herself...
Only then you understood, how important it was to be similar. Contrasts aren't drawn, no. You had identical principles, looks on life. But you were capable to remember every minute the slightest trifle of your meetings, his big strong hands, and again and again to endure all that. He wasn't the sculptor. He couldn't recreate as the artist each thin bend of your body, silk of long dark hair, graceful lifting of a foot... He simply remembered and loved you. And often you thought: "Can such trifle really separate us?"

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